條款與細則 Terms and Conditions


https://shopforwater.adropoflife.org is operated by A Drop of Life (“ADOL”). By using the Website operated by ADOL, and any other site accessed through the Website, you will be deemed to have acknowledged and agreed that the T & C set out below are binding upon you. We may revise the T & C from time to time without prior notice. Once posted on the Website, the amended T & C shall apply to you.


1. 義賣產品所籌得之善款將全數撥捐「點滴是生命」之慈善項目。 All the income from charity sales will be donated to the charity project of ADOL.

2. 本網站展示的產品圖片只供參考,本會會努力確保產品圖片像真及資料準確,但並不就資訊的準確性、產品質素或就產品是否適合作任何用途作任何保證。本會有權不時更改本網站的資訊而無須作任何事前通知。Images of products on this site are for reference only. ADOL will use all reasonable endeavors to ensure the image quality of our products as well as the accuracy of product information. ADOL gives no warranties as to the information accuracy, the product quality or its fitness for any purpose. ADOL reserves the right to make changes to the information on this webpage from time to time without providing any prior notification.

3. 本網站所有銷售只接受平台上所提供的付款方式。Only those payment methods available on this site are accepted.

4. 本網站之銷售屬義賣性質,並不構成慈善捐款,不可獲發免稅收據。Save as otherwise specified, all sales on this site are charitable in nature and do not constitute approved charitable donation. No tax-deductible donation receipts can be issued.

5. 一旦提交訂單,閣下將會透過電郵收到訂單確認通知。所有訂單不可取消或更改。You will receive a confirmation e-mail upon placement of an order. No cancellation and/or amendment can be made once the order is submitted. 

6. 送貨服務 - 凡購物滿HK$300或以上可享有免費送貨服務(包括東涌、愉景灣、離島及香港偏遠地區);如未滿HK$300需由買家支付運費,每次運費為 HK$50(送貨服務由嘉里快遞提供)。在一般情況下,本會會於確認訂單後翌日起計的10-14個工作天內安排送貨(星期六、日及公眾假期除外)。如對送貨安排及運費有任何查詢,請於落單前聯絡我們,電話:2735 8377。Free delivery for purchases of HK$300 or above (including Tung Chung, Discovery Bay, outlying islands and remote areas); if the purchase is less than HK$300, the buyer needs to pay HK$50 additional fee for each purchase (delivery service provided by Kerry Express). Under normal circumstances, we will arrange delivery within 10-14 working days from the next day after confirming the order (except Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays). If you have any inquiries about delivery arrangements and charges, please contact us at 2735 8377 before placing an order.

7. 所有已售出之產品及運費均不設退款,貨品退換只限於產品項目或數量與訂單不符才可退換,其他情況一概不可退換,請於收貨日翌日起計的3個工作天內以電郵(info@adropoflife.org)聯絡本會,以方便安排跟進。All sold products and delivery fee are non-refundable. Please examine the product immediately upon the arrival. ADOL will only exchange the products if the product model or quantity is different from your order, kindly contact ADOL by email (info@adropoflife.org) within 3 working days following the date of delivery for exchange.

8. 上述之義賣產品由個別供應商所製造及提供,本會對於產品的品質及規格說明一概不承擔任何責任。任何人士若使用上述產品,而引致任何程度的損失,本會對於產品的應用將不直接或間接承擔任何責任或索償。ADOL shall not be responsible for any incidents caused by incorrect or improper use of the products and any allergy after using products. 

9. 倘若因任何「不可抗力」的原因(包括因火災、意外、水浸、自然災害、任何香港特別行政區政府或其任何機關的法律、命令、宣告、規例、要求或規定、產品或原材料短缺或缺乏供應、運輸延誤或任何其他在福利協會的合理控制範圍以外的理由(不論是否與前述理由相似),導致本會不能履行其在本網站下的責任,本會無須就此承擔任何責任。If the performance by ADOL of its obligations under this webpage is prevented by reason of “force majeure” (including fire, accident, water leakage, natural disaster, law, order, proclamation, regulation, demand or requirement of the Government of HKSAR or any of its agencies, shortage in products or raw materials, delay in transit or other causes whatsoever (whether similar to the foregoing or not) beyond the reasonable control of ADOL), the Welfare Council shall not be liable in any way. 

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