Collection: NOC
With an ambition to serve up an elevated coffee experience of simplicity with substance, NOC Coffee Co. was founded on the slopes of Graham Street, Soho in 2015. Known for serving up a curation of coffee and brunch items in its beautiful, minimalist spaces, NOC was named as one of the ‘World’s Top Coffee Shops for Design Lovers’ by Wallpaper* Magazine in 2018, as well as one of the ‘Best Coffee Shops in the World’ by Big Seven Travel for two consecutive years. The launch of NOC store is grounded in a mission to craft an immersive experience not only within our cafes, but also through a unique retail concept. As an extension of our mantra of simplicity and minimalism, the NOC store will share a selection of thoughtfully curated lifestyle products that can be integrated into every daily routine. With the aim of providing customers with the ultimate coffee-centric experience, we offer a wide range of coffee products, accessories and more for you to explore.
NOC Coffee Co.於2015年創立,以專注策劃一場圍繞咖啡、輕食及環境的完整咖啡體驗為目標,因此命名為Not Only Coffee。由位於嘉咸街的第一家分店開始,每一家分店均以混凝土、淺色原木及亮白色元素打造,明亮而平 靜的環境除了讓客人專注於享受咖啡體驗,更能與周邊的都市喧鬧形成對比。NOC亦於2018年被設計雜誌 Wallpaper*評選為世界最佳設計咖啡店之一,亦於2019年至2020年蟬聯Big7 Travel的亞洲最佳咖啡店首二十位。 NOC將獨特咖啡文化體驗,由咖啡店擴展至零售體驗店。秉承現代簡約設計風格,體驗店提供一系列的精品咖 啡產品,讓客人可將NOC咖啡融入至日常生活當中。多款限量獨家的咖啡週邊商品,留待客人一一探索及細味。